Courtesy to Craig Blunner from
- Most tower building games like Jenga have the problem that when the tower falls there is a clear loser, but no winner. This variant seeks to have a tower building game with a winner.
- What is needed is 2 dice (D6) and Jenga. The blocks are placed in the middle. Players will be simultaneously building their own towers in the design they choose. However, the dice determine the orientation of the blocks to be placed. Winner is tallest tower after one player's tower falls.
- A player rolls both dice. Each player takes two blocks to place on their tower as they choose. But, the orientation of the blocks are dictated by the dice. Each die represents one block's orientation. If a 1 or 4 is rolled the block is placed "flat", meaning horizontally with the widest side parallel with the table. If a 2 or 5 is rolled, it is placed "on edge", meaning horizontally with the narrower side parallel with the table. And, if a 3 or 6 is rolled, it is placed "on end", meaning standing vertically. After all players have placed both blocks, the dice are rolled again and two more blocks are placed in the orientation indicated by the dice. The game continues until one player's tower falls. Then, the tallest tower is the winner.
- Games go rapidly, so multiple rounds can be played.
- Of course you could make special dice to more clearly indicate the blocks' orientations.
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